complaining about a missing topology file 'sof-mtl-rt711.tplg'
Shot in the dark here, but maybe the file it should be looking for is sof-mtl-rt711-4ch.tplg (this laptop has quad speakers from what I can see). Try making a symbolic link (and rebooting):
cd /lib/firmware/intel/sof-ace-tplg/
sudo ln -s sof-mtl-rt711-4ch.tplg sof-mtl-rt711.tplg
If it doesn't work, look at dmesg again to see if anything changed.

Whether it works or not, maybe open an issue here: I'm going to guess they will make a link in their repo like I did or get/create the missing file if needed. Either that, or they can figure out where the reference to "sof-mtl-rt711.tplg" is coming from and fix that.